SQM: The Theatre of Everyday Life

SQM is a research into the condition of this unfamiliar space known as home—a speculative assemblage of historical artefacts, moments of contemporary domesticity collected on social media and films presented in the Theatre of Everyday Life, a temporary installation in the Rambla at Kortrijk Xpo in Belgium. It investigates different themes that have shaped domestic life in the post-war era, from the kitchen as a space for political rebellion to the bedroom as a space to be sold, from the home as an engine of financial speculation to a stage set for public broadcast.


Project team: Joseph Grima, Giulia Finazzi (structure); Tamar Shafrir, Joseph Grima, Andrea Bagnato (display)
Visual design: Studio Folder (Marco Ferrari, Elisa Pasqual)
Photos: DSL Studio

The structure of the Theatre of Everyday Life was generously provided by Prokoss Mobilrot.
Benedetto Zito coordinated its production; the Prokoss team is composed of Roland Gruber, Rita Gjidoda, Sandro Rossi, Mario Folchini, and Massimiliano Bongiorni.
Thanks to Pieter Blondé and Ann Goethals of Chloroform and An Michiels, Joost Vanhecke, Céline Lagae from Biennale Interieur.
Commissioned by Biennale Interieur, Kortrijk, Belgium